Legal Services
Legal Services
Miles Canadian also provides its professional services for all kinds of Small Claims Court cases. We provide professional representation for the following:

Administrative Law
Miles Canadian offers legal services concerning LTB, WSIB, HRTO and employment standards.

Civil Litigation
Miles Canadian Inc. provides legal services such as small claims, 35K and above and defamation etc.

Contract Law
Miles Canadian offers legal services concerning unanimous share holder agreements, mergers, acquisitions, sale and purchase and more.

Real Estate Law
Miles Canadian Inc. provides legal services concerning sale, purchase, refinancing, private mortgage, liens of real estate.

Family Law
Miles Canadian Inc. provides legal services such as prenuptial agreements, separations, cascade access agreements, divorce, claims for support and access, custody, family litigation.

Wills & Estate
Miles Canadian Inc. provides legal services concerning wills and estate, power of attorney, international power of attorney and probate services.